Computed some data, as it can be seen below.
In total, about 31,879,745 HFT (~3.1% of the network) is left to be disbursed via NFT vests. This won’t be disbursed linearly, as we have a 1,000 HFT floor per GRANT. Some accounts have multiple grants (delegation, sybil activity).
In terms of how much is concentrated into the Top X accounts, data is as follows:
- Top 10: 8,944,720 HFT (0.9% of total supply)
- Top 25: 13,444,952 HFT (1.3% of total supply)
- Top 50: 18,111,331 HFT (1.8% of total supply)
- Top 100: 23,718,201 HFT (2.4% of total supply)
- Top 250: 30,885,632 HFT (3% of total supply)
I also pulled some data in terms of how much the top accounts have unvested from NFTs, as well as 25th, 10th, 250th. For the top 10 accounts, I pulled the number of HFT claimed, the number of HFT currently in their wallet, as well as observed OpenSea activity. Information can be found below:
- 1: unvested: 1,870,894 claimed: 636,575 in wallet: 0
- 2: unvested: 1,798,715 claimed: 54,058 in wallet:0 — spent 120 ETH on buying NFTs
- 3: unvested: 1,287,959 claimed: 107,058 in wallet: 600 — sold a ton of NFTs on OpenSea, some sybil activity
- 4: unvested: 798,533 claimed: 100,519 in wallet: 0 — spent 15-20 ETH on buying NFTs, some sybil activity
- 5: unvested: 654,145 claimed: 209,929, in wallet: 0, OpenSea: sybil activity, made money on sales
- 6: unvested: 569,774 claimed: 199,555, in wallet: 0 OpenSea: sybil activity, also spent about 10 ETH
- 7: unvested: 522,830 claimed: 121,848 in wallet: 21,848, OpenSea: spent around 40 ETH
- 8: unvested: 497,002 claimed: 31,365, in wallet: 31,365
- 9: unvested: 479,555 claimed: 71,680, in wallet: 0, OpenSea: spent around 70 ETH
- 10: unvested: 465,308 claimed: 223,805, in wallet: 0 OpenSea: sybil activity
- 25: unvested: 230,922
- 50: unvested: 147,432
- 100: unvested: 84,994
- 250: unvested: 29,976
My personal subjective interpretation of the data:
- 3% of total supply is a very large number
- NFTs were acquired at an effective 20c-30c per HFT
- a lot of HFT is concentrated to a small number of hands at the top (top 10 get almost 1% of the network, top 50 get almost 2% of the network)
- most wallets likely set up their HFT for sale
- most NFT buyers already dumped for more than they bought with the exception of one wallet (wallet number 2)
Some other thoughts, some of which relate to other comments:
- 40% seems totally arbitrary – I don’t have any opinions on what a better number would be though
- regarding people who transferred to CEX but didn’t sell – they can transfer back
- regarding HFT staked in pools – that stake can be easily computed
- regarding engineering effort to implement such a proposal: a few hours of engineering time, effort is low
- the proposal should ensure that, for example, wallet 2 above would not get screwed in order to get my support
I have some more points that I would personally want to see in order for this to make it to formal proposal form:
- Would this be based on a snapshot of account balances? If so, what is the suggested date?
- Would this be a one-off or would it be continuously tracked? Continuous tracking would significantly increase engineering complexity for such a thing.
- When we say “stop vesting” do we mean cancel the vests? Or do we mean stop vesting until 40% of the amount is in the wallet?