Proposal Structure
- Title: [DRAFT]: Allow affected users of NFT allocation termination to convert to veHFT
- Author(s): Evgeny
- Related Discussions: [Implemented] Terminate vesting of HFT to NFT holders who hold less than 20% of claimed HFT
- Submission Date: 28/12/22
Body Paragraphs:
- Simple Summary:
This proposal gives the option to convert to veHFT for users who their HFT allocation might be terminated by the snapshot proposal Snapshot
- Abstract:
Instead of taking away - this allows for holders to retain tokens and full voting power.
- Motivation:
I strongly disagree with taking tokens from NFT holders and so I think the best solution would be to convert the unvested / terminated portion to veHFT.
- Specification & Rationale:
Implementation is simple - allow the affected users to convert to veHFT to access their full voting power (the time lock needs to be the max one).
- Benefits (Pros):
Stop from the terminated users selling their tokens and encourage them to participate in governance.
- Downside (Cons):
Not that I can think of.
- Voting:
Yes - means implement this proposal.
No means do not implement it.