[Implemented] Implement $HFT Buyback and Burn

Title: Implement $HFT Buyback and Burn
Author: The Hashflow Foundation
Related Discussions: Add protocol fees
Submission Date: 18 Nov 2024

Overview & Summary:

Hashflow’s governance token (HFT) has been traded on markets for almost two years. In 2023, the Hashflow DAO voted to implement protocol fees, with fee proceeds being allocated as follows:

  • 30%: HFT token buy back (allocated to Hashflow Community Treasury)
  • 50%: HFT token holders who stake their HFT (pro-rata distribution)
  • 20%: Hashflow Foundation for operating expenses

This proposal seeks to change this allocation to decrease both the total and circulating supply of $HFT by burning tokens that are currently bought back (30% of protocol fees) rather than allocating them to the community treasury (DAO). In addition, Hashflow Foundation’s 20% allocation of protocol fees would also be reallocated to buying back and burning $HFT.

Technical Specification:

  • Fees continue to be trackable on-chain
  • 50% of protocol fees will continue to be allocated and distributed to $HFT stakers monthly on a pro-rata basis (no changes)
  • Remaining 50% of protocol fees will be used to purchase and burn $HFT by sending tokens to 0x0 address
  • Current holdings in buyback wallet would be burned immediately upon implementation of this proposal if passed by Hashflow DAO:

Fee Distribution:
Fees will be distributed according to the following schedule:

  • 50%: HFT token holders to stake their tokens (pro-rata)
  • 50% HFT token buy back and burn

Benefits (Pros):

  • Reduce total and circulating supply of $HFT

Downside (Cons):

  • Protocol fees would be used for buyback and burn rather than be allocated to the Hashflow Community Treasury


  • Yes to implement burn mechanism for HFT buybacks and reallocate Hashflow Foundation’s share of protocol fees to HFT buyback and burn
  • No to keep current protocol fee distribution unchanged

Agree with this proposal


That’s good idea,i agree👍🏻

Totally agree with this proposal

yes agree. totally 100% yes

Yeah,Let’s make it happen.Agree.

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Agree 100% and pls do it right now

im old holder of hft token and alwys have been with you … i said a long time ago you should stop your release token and burn your circulating to 0x0 adress and prepare good situation to attrack new funders and users and holder …so im in twitter and ready for cooperation with you ! pls dont stop and continue for advertising and attack users and funders and burn your token …only price and mega pump of projects token lead to being successful team ! im in market 7 years and seen ton of this example

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Anything that brings HFT to success and brings positive impact is to be commended!

This proposal is not systemically risky and is the same as the original ballot proposal