[DRAFT] More transparency on Revenue Share

Proposal Structure

  • Title: More transparency on Revenue Share
  • Author(s): @parsa
  • Related Discussions:
  • Submission Date: 4 November 2024

Body Paragraphs:

Simple Summary: Add more transparency on Revenue Share

Abstract: Currently there is no transparency on the Revenue Share and HFT buy backs, also there is no exact date for reward distribution! we should have a simple dashboard that showing amount of HFT buy backs + Revenue Share for every month with exact date and amount (for example how many HFTs been bought and on which prices?) and there should be a button or a pop-up that link users to this dashboard so new users will know about it, i know many traders that trading on Hashflow but they don’t know anything about protocol fee and Revenue Share of HFT token!
Something like this concept:

There also should be a specific date for reward distribution, for example 1th of every month.

Specification: Adding Revenue Share was a great feature but not many users know about it, these simple actions can help a lot to attract new users to stake their HFT tokens!
so if this proposal implemented we will have a dashboard + transparency + specific date for reward distributions + a button or a header about HFT token in app.hashflow.com website that link users into the dashboard.

Benefits (Pros):

  • Attract new users to stake HFT tokens
  • More trust from community because of transparency
  • free marketing for HFT token on it’s app

Downside (Cons):

  • Need effort from team while they might be busy with xOS

Voting: Yes for this to be implemented, No for it to not be implemented


Very impressive proposal


The proposal makes sense, I’ll be voting in favor


That’s good idea :+1:t2:


I think it’s a great idea to create transparency into rev share. One challenge that the Foundation has when collecting fees and distributing rewards is that Market Makers don’t remit the fees on a fixed schedule. However, a policy could be implemented such that on the 1st of each month whatever is available in fees is also distributed. Is this something that you have in mind?

Regarding UI features, we currently display the amount of rewards that have been accrued by a wallet that has been staking, but there is indeed no clear way to tell that staking would result in getting rev share. Would you be able to add more specific information on which data could be interesting to add? Perhaps a countdown to the next rev distribution?

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Hi @parsa - wondering if you had more details regarding this proposal.